Welcome to my website
Welcome to my website. It is about writing, books, especially e-books that I have written and published, and which I know you will enjoy reading. It is also about short stories, many of which are anecdotal, many of which are about my experiences or the experiences of my friends and family. Many will be stranger, and certainly more interesting than fiction.
I will try to make sure that the links to my e-books are easy to access, and to open, so that you can enjoy your reading.
My writing is mainly non-fiction, but I will, from time to time, try my hand at fiction and other genres.
I write honestly and simply, and I hope that you will come back to my site to look up my books because of this.
I used to publish online with Smashwords, so my books could be found on the sites of the major stores like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. The tax-avoidance philosophies of these organistions, however, goes against my principles, so I have withdrawn my books from their sites, and from Smashwords, and will find other outlets for their publication.
Visitor's notice
I am always happy to host visitors on this site, and I value your comments, your input on the website, or reviews of my books or short stories. Please feel free to visit, bring your cup of coffee with you, sit down and relax, and let me entertain you for a short while.